Oh, good afternoon everybody. Thank you for joining us today for the sixth webinar in Con La Piel Carries OSHA webinar series. We set about to put together the agenda for the entire year back in October-November last year and just sort of guessed that it would be right around June that OSHA was going to finalize the injury and illness record-keeping submission rule. It turned out that we were pretty accurate in our guess right at the end of May, OSHA issued a final rule of great consequence for most employers in the US. That's why you all are here today, to learn about this new rule, what it means for you, whether it applies to you, when the important dates are, and what the potential consequences are of this new rule. So, we're going to cover today OSHA's injury and illness record-keeping electronic submission home, as well as one other record-keeping rule that's moving its way through the rulemaking process. We probably won't see it by the end of the Obama presidency, but OSHA is pushing hard on that, and that's the rule to change the statute of limitations. But the majority of our discussion today will focus on the electronic record-keeping rule. The faceless voices that you're hearing, I recognize most of the names of the folks who have dialed in, but some of you and we're meeting or webinar meeting for the first time. My name is Eric Conn. I'm one of the founding partners of John Maffeo Kerry, and I chair the firm's national workplace safety OSHA Practice Group. My practice focuses on all aspects of workplace safety and health law. I represent employers in inspections, incident investigations from a broad range of agencies, but primarily OSHA and the state OSHA programs. We also get...
Award-winning PDF software
Osha standards Form: What You Should Know
OSHA Form 300A Form (Logbook), Form 301 Form (Incident Report) (PDF); Instructions, Form 301-A — Instructions OSHA Form 300A Form (Logbook), Form 301 Form (Incident Report) (PDF); Instructions, Form 301-A — Instructions OSHA Form 300A Form (Logbook), Form 301 Form (Incident Report) (PDF); Instructions, Form 301-A — Instructions OSHA 300 Form (Logbook), Form OSHA 301 Incident Report — PDF The Department of Labor's Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) requires employers to keep logbooks and incident reports. Occupational Safety/Health Administration Establishment Record keeping Requirements — Overview This provides a synopsis of the requirements for the establishment (workplace). These requirements consist of: The form for filing the OSHA Form 300 and the information for documenting the injury and illness in the Form 300; The required information for the OSHA Form OSHA 301; and The information for filing the OSHA Form 300A and OSHA Form 300A-1, as necessary, at a specified time. Injured Occupational Worker — Overview | Occupational Safety and Health — OSHA The injury may be classified in three categories: Severity (or type of injury); The cause or origin and specific nature of the injury; The manner in which the injury occurred. Injured Worker — Overview | Occupational Safety and Health — OSHA The injured employee is required to report to the employer or to his employer's representative each incident of injury to himself (incident of occupational injury), an employee in his employ (incident of personal injury), or an employee's family member (incidental injury). The employee must report with his employer or his representative immediately. OSHA requires these events to be recorded in the “In Incident” section of the Injury Report. The incident report shall include a written description of the accident with specific facts for each individual involved (see section “Facts”). The facts should be verified by the employer. The employer or its representative shall be charged with checking for accuracy. The date of the accident should be noted in the date-line. The medical examiner can certify the death in the “Instrument of Death” section of the death report. These reports must be filed with the employer as soon as reasonably possible.
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